Thursday, July 21, 2011

Whip your hair back and forth...

So last night I went to the BodyJam class at my local gym. Can I just say that I was playing along with the whole dance class thing, until Whip your hair by Willow Smith came on. I immediately starting cracking up, but when I looked around not many other people seemed amused. I wanted to scream out, "Come on people!! We're getting ready to dance to a song sung by a 13 year old about getting whiplash from thrusting your hair all over the place!" The rest of the class went just as expected- my hips/butt/feet where shaking anywhere but the right place so I did what any hardworking BodyJam goer would do- stopped looking in the mirror! I'm posting a picture below of BodyJam's promotional picture and let me just say this is exactly how I looked yesterday! ;-)

Tonight I was going to try their BodyAttack class, but I'm reconsidering it since it's supposed to feel like 105 degrees outside and the room where the class is has no air conditioning making for some serious exhaustion on my part. I think I'm getting out of my little feeling sorry about my weight slump and just decided not to look at the scale for a while. I'm super excited for this weekend though because one of my best friends comes in from out of town and we're going to a wedding which is pretty much the most fun social event with free alcohol and dancing you can find! Can't wait to come to work tomorrow and just blast Rebecca Black's Friday in my head all day!

Rant: Why does it have to be sooooo hard to drag my butt to the gym??
Rave: The landlord of our dream home finally got back to us and it's looking like (cross your fingers) I have a place to live when my lease is up in a mere 8 days!

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