Wednesday, July 27, 2011

My Bad Taste in TV

So yesterday I was on Hulu to catch the latest episode of the Bachelorette (guilty pleasure 1) and happened to stumble upon my newest guilty pleasure show.......
Honestly I can't even begin to make up an excuse as to why I'm watching it, but I'm already on episode 4! It's the typical Abc Family show that sucks you in and before you know it, there's an hour of your life you can never get back, but I just can't stop watching!! This on top of Keeping up with the Kardashians and Dance Moms, my TV watching lately has really hit a low note. I need to find some better TV. Any suggestions??

Today during lunch I stopped at the liquor store to pick up so boxes so hopefully I'll be really making some progress tonight after the gym! Yesterday I managed to pack away about half of my clothes and take down one of my shelving units! Totally exhausting! It's going to be a loooong day of moving this weekend, especially because I don't know whether or not I'll be able to get in my new house by the time I need to be out of my current one. I just can't wait to move in and get settled and start to relax a little bit!!

Rant: Dragging my butt out of bed in the morning is hard enough, but how to some people just look perfect when I get into work, and I'm lucky I could run a brush through my hair?
Rave:I met a new friend at the gym yesterday! Starting to really enjoy myself there!

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